We, the medical microbiologists of the state of Chhattisgarh had long felt the need for carving our niche and creating our own identity among the medical community of the state.
In a developing specialty like Microbiology with rapid scientific advances, more intense academic interaction between the members of the fraternity was essential for the dissemination of knowledge and improvement of patient care. The need for a cosier group was favoured and thus the formation of a State Chapter for Medical Microbiologists under the aegis of the national body - Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) - was conceptualized.
In an informal meeting held on 20th March 2016 we decided to form our own independent Association and move out from under the canopy of the joint Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists. Considering the rapid development in the field of Medical Microbiology in the recent years, as well as the growing number of specialists in the field, it was felt that the time was ripe to establish a common platform for exchange of scientific views in the form of our own Association and thus improve the status of the subject of Medical Microbiology as well as medical microbiologists in the state.
23 medical microbiologists from various parts of the state joined as Founder Members and extended their support and suggestions to chart out the rules and regulations of the organization and christened it the Chhattisgarh Association of Medical Microbiologists (CAMM).
The Chhattisgarh Association of Medical Microbiologists (CAMM) thus came into existence in the year 2016 and was registered under the Societies Act 1973 on 19th October 2016. The establishment of CAMM was ratified and endorsed by distinguished stalwarts of the fraternity at the General Body Meeting of the Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) at the Annual National Conference (MICROCON) held at PGI, Chandigarh in November 2016.
Dr. Ramanesh Murthy (President), Dr. Sanchita Nihal (Secretary) and Dr. Nikita Sherwani (Treasurer) were nominated as the three chief architects to undertake the responsibilities and lay a strong foundation for the new organization.
The membership of CAMM has steadily grown since then and 44 members from different parts of the state have been enrolled till date.