Scientific Program

Day 1: 16th September, 2017 Saturday

Registration and Breakfast (8:30 to 9:30 AM)

Session 1: Bloodstream Infections: The lesser known facts  (9:30-11:00 AM)

The rare bacterial intruders in blood

Dr. R.D. Kulkarni

Professor & Head

Department of Microbiology

SDM Medical College, Dharwad, Karnataka


Fungi in blood: Challenges in diagnosis and management

Dr. Shukla Das


Department of Microbiology

UCMS &GTBH, New Delhi


Uncommon parasitic and viral offenders in blood

Dr. A.K. Praharaj

Professor & Head

Department of Microbiology

AIIMS, Bhubaneshwar


Session 2: Interpreting lab results: From bench to bedside (11:00-12:30 PM)

Septicemia: Battling the confounders


Dr. Ranganathan Iyer

Consultant Clinical Microbiologist 

Global Hospitals, Hyderabad


Respiratory tract infections: Differentiating disease from colonization


Dr. Sujatha Sistla

Professor & Head

Department of Microbiology

JIPMER, Puducherry


Urinary tract infections: Can we count upon the counts?

Dr. Jharna Mandal

Associate Professor

Department of Microbiology

JIPMER, Puducherry


Inaugural Function (12:30-1:00 PM)

Lunch and Poster presentation (1:00-2:00 PM)

Session 3: Impact of Microbiology on Public health (2:00 - 3:30 PM)

Moving towards elimination of TB


Dr. Pratibha Narang


Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
Sewagram, Wardha


Respiratory viral infections: An emerging challenge


Dr. Lalit Dar


Department of Microbiology

AIIMS, New Delhi


Combating Cholera Menace

Dr. Padma Das

Associate Professor

Department of Microbiology

AIIMS, Raipur

Oral paper presentations (3:30-5:00 PM)

General Body Meeting (5:00-6:00 PM)

Cultural program and Dinner (7:30 PM onwards)

Day 2: 17th September, 2017 Sunday

Breakfast (8:30-9:30 AM)

Session 1: Antimicrobials: Save the savior (9:00-10:30 AM)

AMR in India: The current scenario



Dr. Arti Kapil


Department of Microbiology

AIIMS, New Delhi


Strategies and solutions

Dr. Sangeeta Joshi

Consultant Microbiologist

PD Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai


Silver lining under the dark cloud

Dr. Pallab Ray

Professor & Head,

Department of Microbiology,

PGIMER, Chandigarh


Session 2: Scenario of Infectious Diseases in Chhattisgarh: Panel discussion

(10:30AM-12 Noon)

Moderator : Dr. Ramanesh Murthy

Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology

Medical Superintendent, CIMS, Bilaspur


Undergraduate quiz (12:00-1:00 PM)

Valedictory function (1:00-1:30 PM)

Lunch (1:30 PM Onwards)